Saturday, August 23, 2008

Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki

Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki is cool!
I signed up a few days ago as I was invited to by someone. Back then, not knowing that this was part of the exercise- to add our blog's URL to the 'favourite blogs'.
It is so cool that we have our own sandbox where we can add little entries in the appropriate page.
During this, I accidentally added a quote in the fav recipe page and was shocked when I realised this- as I thought that we wouldn't be able to delete anything.
HOWEVER! Ta-da! deleting it was as simple as typing it in the first place.
Thanks to this, I could delete it before anyone read it :p
Another wonderful thing about sandbox is that we can add entries to an already existing entry.
I imagined it to be like all other sites where one entry would be on one page, another entry on the next page etc etc.

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